science-softCon uv/vis+ photochemistry database;; (C) science-softCon 2019 Substance: water Other Names: Formula: H2O CAS-No.: 7732-18-5 Study: UV absorption spectrum Authors: H.-C. Lu, H.-K. Chen, B.-M. Cheng, J.F. Ogilvie Title: Absorption spectra in the vacuum ultraviolet region of small molecules in condensed phases Journal/Source: Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 71 (4), 1485-1491, (2008); doi:10.1016/j.saa.2008.05.007 Data: diagram, table Energy/Wavelength range: 50000 - 93400 cm-1 (~ 107 - 200 nm) Resolution: 0.2 nm Temperature: 10 K Temperature dependence: no Pressure/Concentration: Phase: pH: Comments: The absorption spectrum in the vacuum ultraviolet region of solid H2O at 10 K: spectral resolution 0.2 nm or 33-174 cm-1 is presented. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: (e-mail address):