science-softCon uv/vis+ spectra data base;; (C) science-softCon 2011 Substance: hydrogen peroxide Other Names: Formula: H2O2 CAS-No.: 7722-84-1 Study: absorption coefficients Authors: M. Schuergers, K.H. Welge Title: Absorptionskoeffizient von H2O2 und N2H4 zwischen 1200 und 2000 A Journal/Source: Z. Naturforsch., 23A, 1508-1510, (1968) Data: (diagram, table, disk): table, diagram Energy/Wavelength range: 120 - 200 nm Resolution: Temperature: 298 K Temperature dependence: no Pressure/Concentration: Phase (gas, liquid, solid): pH: Comments: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: (e-mail address):